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Paper information

Automatic selection of candidate investments for transmission expansion planning

S. Lumbreras, A. Ramos, P. Sánchez

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Vol. 59, pp. 130 - 140


This paper deals explicitly with the problem of proposing candidate lines (sometimes referred to as technical alternatives) for Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP). Candidate lines have been traditionally regarded as expert-provided system information. However, given the need to plan larger networks, identifying interesting candidates is an issue of increasing relevance and complexity. This paper proposes a consistent method to tackle this problem. First, an automatic and objective candidate discovery mechanism based on sensitivities proposes potentially interesting investments. Then, a candidate management strategy filters the list of candidates to keep problem size within tractable levels in a Mathematical Programming context without compromising global optimality. Finally, a candidate analysis tool reveals the relationships among investments from a relatively fast and simple power flow study. This information can be interesting to provide support for expansion decisions. These theoretical developments are complemented by a realistic case study which illustrates the applicability of the method.

Keywords: Power transmission planning; Transmission Expansion Planning; Mathematical Programming; Candidate investment selection

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: Q1 (2014); 5,200 - Q1 (2022)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2014.02.016

Published on paper: July 2014.

Published on-line: March 2014.

S. Lumbreras, A. Ramos, P. Sánchez, Automatic selection of candidate investments for transmission expansion planning. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Vol. 59, pp. 130 - 140, July 2014. [Online: March 2014]

    Research topics:
  • *Distributed and parallel computing applied to mathematical programming problems
  • *Long-Term Strategic Analysis

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