We study a granular gas of viscoelastic particles (kinetic energy loss upon collision is a function of the particles' relative velocities at impact) subject to a stochastic thermostat. We show that the system displays anomalous cooling and heating rates during thermal relaxation processes, this causing the emergence of thermal memory. In particular, a significant Mpemba effect is present, i.e., an initially hotter/cooler granular gas can cool down/heat up faster than an in comparison cooler/hotter granular gas. Moreover, a Kovacs effect is also observed, i.e., a nonmonotonic relaxation of the granular temperature—if the gas undergoes certain sudden temperature changes before fixing its value. Our results show that both memory effects have distinct features, very different and eventually opposed to those reported in theory for granular fluids under simpler collisional models. We study our system via three independent methods: approximate solution of the kinetic equation time evolution and computer simulations (both molecular dynamics simulations and direct simulation Monte Carlo method), finding good agreement between them.
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 4,980 - Q1 (2021); 4,100 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: June 2021.
Published on-line: June 2021.
E. Mompó, M.A. López Castaño, A. Lasanta, F. Vega Reyes, A. Torrente, Memory effects in a gas of viscoelastic particles. Physics of Fluids. Vol. 33, nº. 6, pp. 062005-1 - 062005-10, June 2021. [Online: June 2021]