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An analysis of the MIBEL green hydrogen roadmap using mathematical programming

L.J. Fernández, L.A. Herrero, F.A. Campos, E. Centeno

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 48, nº. 41, pp. 15371 - 15382


Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions plays a crucial role in the Europe energy transition and the production of hydrogen using electricity from renewable sources (green H2) contributes significantly to this objective. As the renewable energy production capacity grows, the impact of green H2 is likely to increase. In the case of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL), no quantitative studies have so far tested the viability of the H2 growth plans. This paper fills this gap through a novel mathematical programming model, which integrates H2 generation into the MIBEL. The model reveals a mismatch between the sustainability goals and the expansion plans of renewable and green H2 for Spain and Portugal.

Spanish layman's summary:

Este artículo estudia la viabilidad de los planes de crecimiento del hidrógeno en España a través de un modelo de optimización el cual integra la generación de H2 en el MIBEL. Los resultados muestran cierta incoherencia entre los objetivos de sostenibilidad y los planes de expansión del H2.

English layman's summary:

This paper studies the viability of the hydrogen growth plans of Spain and Portugal through a novel mathematical programming model which integrates H2 generation into the MIBEL. The model reveals a mismatch between the studied sustainability goals and expansion plans of renewable and green H2.


JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 8,100 - Q1 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.01.038

Published on paper: May 2023.

Published on-line: January 2023.

L.J. Fernández, L.A. Herrero, F.A. Campos, E. Centeno, An analysis of the MIBEL green hydrogen roadmap using mathematical programming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 48, nº. 41, pp. 15371 - 15382, May 2023. [Online: January 2023]

    Research topics:
  • Long-term energy scenarios : Long-term energy scenarios
  • Analysis of sustainable energy policies
  • Green energy integration
  • Electricity, natural gas and renewable gases markets models
  • Unit-commitment in electricity markets with high RES penetration

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