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Overall equipment effectiveness indicator as a metric for process improvement

R. Caro, S. Ortiz

Dyna (Spain) Vol. 89, nº. 2, pp. 128 - 130

One of the most important metrics and use of operating performance is the rate of Global Equipment Effectiveness (Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE) . This rate is a quantitative metric that is being increasingly used in the industry not only to control and monitor the productivity of the production equipment , but also as an indicator and controller process improvements and performance. The advantage of OEE is measured by a single indicator , all the basic parameters in industrial production on three factors : availability, productivity and quality. This makes it possible to know if what is missing to 100% availability has been lost ( the machinery was stopped some time ) , efficiency or productivity ( the machinery was running at less than full capacity) or quality ( units occurred defective ) . Hence, the OEE has become an international standard recognized by major industries worldwide.

Keywords: Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Continuous Improvement, logistic regression models

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 0,179 - Q4 (2014); 1,000 - Q4 (2022)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.6036/7061

Published on paper: March 2014.

R. Caro, S. Ortiz, Overall equipment effectiveness indicator as a metric for process improvement. Dyna (Spain). Vol. 89, nº. 2, pp. 128 - 130, March 2014.