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Paper information

A flexible VLSI-based hardware system for medium-large vocabulary real-time speech recognition

J. M. Fernández, F. Moreno, S. Alexandres, J. Meneses

Microprocessing and Microprogramming Vol. 40, nº. 10-12, pp. 825 - 828


This paper is about a parallel and pipelined hardware system for real-time isolated speech recognition for medium-large Spanish vocabularies, based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). The system, relied on a VLSI circuit developed by the authors [1] that implements the Viterbi Algorithm, can keep-up with continuous input and is connected to a host Personal Computer. A software package controls the hardware and runs the user interface.

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-6074(94)90049-3

Published on paper: December 1994.

Published on-line: July 2003.

J. M. Fernández, F. Moreno, S. Alexandres, J. Meneses, A flexible VLSI-based hardware system for medium-large vocabulary real-time speech recognition. Microprocessing and Microprogramming. Vol. 40, nº. 10-12, pp. 825 - 828, December 1994. [Online: July 2003]

    Research topics:
  • *Automation, Communications and Industrial Informatics