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Development of a neonatal interactive simulator by using an RFID module for healthcare professionals training

L. Arrighi, J. Cifuentes, D. Fonseca, L. Méndez, F. Prieto, J.J. Ramírez

In the book Deploying RFID: Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues

IntechOpen Limited, London, United Kingdom

Editors: Turcu, C.

ISBN: 978-953-307-380-4

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.5772/17477

DOI of the book: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.5772/963

Published: 2011

L. Arrighi, J. Cifuentes, D. Fonseca, L. Méndez, F. Prieto, J.J. Ramírez, Development of a neonatal interactive simulator by using an RFID module for healthcare professionals training, in Deploying RFID: Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues. Editors Turcu, C.. Ed. IntechOpen Limited. London, United Kingdom, 2011.
