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Project information

Tools and methodologies for energy planning under uncertainty

A. Ramos J.M. Latorre

November 2017 - December 2018

Funding entity XM Compañía de Expertos en Mercados, SA

In this project we are going to introduce improvements in the two medium- and long-term energy planning models for the Colombian system. Both are integrated in a single tool sharing input data and output results and the piece of code that is suitable. The forecasted improvements are the following ones:
Introduction of a variable production function of hydro plants of relevant reservoirs
Optimal representation of the uncertainty for variables like hydro inflows, wind and solar power by menas of scenario trees for being used in the energy planning model
Development of a simulation module of deterministic scenarios after the stochastic optimization solution
Development of a synthetic multivariate series generator for hydro, solar and wind generation to be used in the energy planning model