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Project information

Scientific and technical innovations for safer Powered Two Wheelers (PTW)

F.J. López-Valdés

June 2018 - February 2019

Funding entity European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

Participated by University of Florence, University of West Bohemia, Imperial College London, LMU, Siemens, Applus IDIADA, Swow, Politecnico Milano, University of Limerick

Enhancing traffic safety is an on-going quest. Traffic accidents cause human suffering and huge economic losses. In the period 2000-2012, the riders killed per 10,000 Powered Two Wheelers (PTW) registered has more than halved, passing from 2.68 to 1.32. Nevertheless, PTW riders are still among the most vulnerable road users and other efforts are necessary toward a vision zero (accident) concept. On the other end, the use of PTW is currently increasing worldwide, especially in urban environments, since PTW offer many benefits for personal mobility: less congestion, time gain, energy savings, easier parking. These beneficial opportunities can only be capitalised if PTW safety is further prioritised. As prior initiatives to improve PTW safety have concentrated on single aspects, a truly holistic and integrated approach towards PTW safety is still lacking. This COST Action addresses this gap, by bringing together PTW safety experts to i) acquire, unify and coordinate PTW safety research, and ii) ensure broad dissemination towards PTW users, industry and public authorities.