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Project information

Extension and improvement of the forecast and analysis tools of the forecast Management System (SGP)

J. Villar F.A. Campos A. Muñoz J. Ruipérez A. Sánchez

January 2005 - January 2006

Funding entity Indra-Endesa

SGP is an information system designed and developed by IIT to fit the flexibility and adaptability requirements of the Energetic Planning and Energetic Analysis and Supervision Subdirections of the Spanish electrical utility Endesa for the calculus, analysis and management of economic forecasts for of the whole utility. The system has a client-server architecture based on an Oracle database server. It provides a data metamodel that allows the users to define their own data models, where variables are given over several components or dimensions. The data metamodel allows the users to dynamically adapt their models to their particular needs, in an elegant and flexible way. The system also offers a set of algorithms to automatically compute new variable values, using the structural information given in the model hierarchies, and a set of client applications to load the information, to compute and analyse the economic forecasts, and to extract and prepare the final reports. The main objectives of this collaboration are the improvement and optimisation of the forecast and analysis procedures, the extension of the model and algorithms to include MIBEL data into the forecasts results, and the design of new analysis procedures, from the establishment of quality forecast cuantification, to the statistic characterisation of the main forecast results.
