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Project information

Dynamic simulation of solar cooling systems

X. García-Casals

July 2002 - December 2003

Funding entity VIESSMANN

To develop dynamic models for the simulation of solar cooling & heating systems aimed to properly quantify seasonal performances and to carry out system sizing optimization. Solar heating & cooling systems are based on a solar field, thermal energy storage system, heat distribution components for the heating season, and an absortion chiller plus the requiered cooling distribution elements for the cooling season. The use of low temperature solar thermal energy with an absortion chiller for cooling purposes is less known than the conventional DHW or even solar heating aplications. Therefore there is need for a more detailed system analysis procedure than the one given by conventional tools, which allows sizing, optimizing an quantification of system performances. Along the years 2002-2003 Viessmann is going to build several cooling & heating solar systems in different climatic regions within Spain.The preliminar conventional sizing has been performed by Viessmann. In the frame of this project, through dynamic simulation of these systems with typical meteorological years associated to the different sites within Spain, the detailed system behaviour will be assessed and its performancess quantyfied, allowing for a system optimization.