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Project information

Optimal integration of distributed energy resources

P. Frías P. Linares R. Cossent C. Mateo A. Sánchez C. Fernandes

October 2009 - December 2010

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Participated by Unión Fenosa, CIRCE, Red eléctrica de España, EVERIS, Universidad de Oviedo, ZIV, LABEIN, AICIA, Otros

This project is part of the Singular Strategic Project «Development and implementation of technological alternatives for the Spanish electricity network for 2025». The following research activities will be carried out within this project: detailed characterization of the distributed energy resources, distributed generation voltage control procurement in distribution networks, integration of active demand side management in the operation systems of network operators, and the development of software tools for the optimal integration of distributed resources in the electrical networks.

This project is partially funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and co-funded by FEDER as a Singular and Strategic Project. More information.