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Project information

Mozambique geospatial options analysis towards universal electrification

C. Mateo A. González-García I.J. Pérez-Arriaga F. de Cuadra P. Ciller

May 2018 - April 2019

Funding entity World Bank

Participated by Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd, MIT

Since the end of Mozambique’s civil war in 1992, the country has had strong and sustainable economic growth, averaging 7.4 percent annually. However, GDP per capita is low (US$600 in 2016), and approximately, 50 percent of the population still live below the poverty line. Moreover, most of the population lives in rural areas, and only 26 percent of people were connected to the electricity grid in 2016.
The objective is to prepare a geospatial analysis and present the options for electrification – encompassing grid and off-grid access delivery modalities and technology choices – with an overall target of universal access by 2030 in Mozambique. The analysis provides detailed estimation of investment and operating cost requirements for the various options.