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Project information

MIRAM: Machine management for increasing reliability, availability and maintainability.

M.A. Sanz-Bobi A. García-Cerrada J. Villar

November 1996 - November 1996

Funding entity Proyecto dentro del programa BRITE/EURAM de la CEE

Participated by Heckler und Koch GmbH, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Extech Limited, University of Durham, Robotiker - Grupo Tecnológico de Robótica y Automatización

The project objective is the development of a methodology for predictive maintenance in machine tools. To reach this objective modelling of normal and failure performance of particular components will be required. This will allow to detect possible anomalies in these components of the machine tool and an expert system will be in charge of the investigation of the possible causes of the failure detected. Finally a maintenance plan will be elaborate taking into account the evolution of the component life.

MIRAM - BREU-CT91-0463