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Project information

Improvement and extension of the hydro simulators for all the system

A. Ramos J.M. Latorre S. Cerisola

January 2005 - December 2005

Funding entity Iberdrola

The current procedure for determining the hydro output with the simulators requires the use of information located in old computer systems and it is based on specific processes for each hydro basin. These procedures have been recorded in a new environment to facilitate the companion use with the other tools available for presenting bids into the market. They have been also generalized to any hydro basin.
So far, it has been modeled the simplest basin due to its topology. Although the model developed is of general purpose and allows its extension to the remaining basins, it will be necessary a revision and fine-tuning to incorporate some of the specific particularities of other basins that have not been taken into account so far. Besides, for any basin it will be needed a validation process of the model results.
