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Project information

New 100% renewable, flexible and robust energy system for the integration of new generation, grid and demand-side technologies- Technical studies of networks

L. Rouco F.M. Echavarren E. Lobato C. Paolis Robles

October 2020 - December 2023

Funding entity Iberdrola Generación España, S.A.U

This project is part of the FLEXENER project. The main objective of the FLEXENER project is to investigate new technologies and simulation models in the field of renewable generation, storage systems and flexible demand management and operation of the distribution network. A 100% renewable and decarbonised energy mix is sought, effectively integrated into the electrical system of the future in a flexible, efficient and safe way. In this context, this project has been in charge of the assessment of the contribution to the stability of the Spanish mainlad system of the solutions developed in activities A2, A3 and A4.