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Project information

DG-GRID - Enhancement of sustainable electricity supply through improvements of the regulatory framework of the distribution network for DG

T. Gómez I.J. Pérez-Arriaga J. Rivier P. Frías

January 2005 - June 2007

Funding entity Comisión Europea

Participated by Proyecto liderado por Energy Centre of Netherlands, Colaboran otras 8 instituciones

This project analyses the “main grid system issues regarding penetration of a large DG share in supply” in the following way:
1. Review the current regulation of the grids in EU MS concluding on what needs to be done in improving the grid regulation in MS in the short-term to remove barriers for RES and CHP deployment.
2. Analyse the consequences of network innovations in the long term on the developments of grid system regulation with large electricity volumes supplied by RES and CHP and if a large share of power generating capacity is connected to the distribution grid.
3. Assess the effects of a large penetration of DG options connected to the grid in liberalised markets assuming implementation of the recommended network regulation framework. Analysis of costs/benefits for new market actors by monetarisation of the changes in revenue and expenditure flows for the different market actors in a liberalised (unbundled distribution network) electricity market. Develop a costs/benefit analysis of different regulatory designs. Develop several business models for economic viable grid system operation by DSO's, if large shares of DG are connected to the grid system.
4. Develop guidelines for network planning, regulation and to enhance integration of DG in the short term, but including the opportunity for new innovative changes in networks in the long term.

The project is leaded by the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). The partners are: Öko-Institut (Germany), IZES (Germany), RISOE (DK), UNIMAN (UK), University Pontificia Comillas (Spain), IFZ (Austria), VTT (Finland), and OME (France)