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Project information

Technical and economical study on logistic centers of biomass in the autonomous region of Madrid

S. Ortiz P. Linares L. Mochón J. Montes F. Nieto P. Sánchez R. Chamochín

March 2006 - July 2006

Funding entity Gamesa Energía

The aim of this proposal is to carry out a technical and economical study on logistic Centers of Biomass in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. The present and future potential user identification, the supply security and the cost reduction can be considered the cornerstone in any biomass project performance. Diversification Department of GAMESA ENERGÍA, has brought up the possibility of studying the viability of establishing logistic centers of biomass, by means of the creation of Biomass Supply Societies. These biomass supply societies will offer to the final consumer an appropriate product to his needs and to the farmer a successful way out to his production. This process will turn off the cycle between the producer and the final consumer, solving the supply problem. The creation of a Biomass Supply Logistic System will solve the biomass problem associated to its disperse and seasonal production features and its supply difficulty.