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Project information

The new role of consumers in a power sector in transition

P. Mastropietro P. Rodilla P. Brito-Pereira C. Batlle

August 2020 - December 2020

Funding entity PSR Soluçoes e Consultoria em Energia Ltda

Participated by Carlos Batlle

The project aims at investigating the role that consumers will play in the power sector of the future. Currently, there is a significant gap between the top-down regulatory push towards consumer empowerment and the real behaviour of end-users, still very little engaged in the electricity market. The project analyses which models can result in a massive engagement of energy consumers (including aggregators, energy communities and CCAs) and characterises prosumers and prosumer preferences. Furthermore, it also studies the concept of willingness-to-engage, reviewing recent academic literature in search of surveys that allow to understand the current barriers to the activation of electricity demand.