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Dr. Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi

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Association date:
AA25. D-416
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 4240
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Dr. Miguel A. Sanz-Bobi is working in IIT since 1985 and has been involved in more than twenty research projects for the industry, mainly for the electrical industryHis main research activities are related with applications to the reliability and maintainability field and the development of expert systems and use of artificial intelligence techniques for on-line diagnosis of incipient problems in large industrial processes such as power plants, machine tools, etc.He obtained the Degree of Doctor in 1992 from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. His doctoral thesis described a methodology for predictive maintenance based on the health condition of equipments of complex industrial processes.

Areas of interest:

Life condition monitoring and analysis of industrial processes. Modeling and simulation of the expected behavior of industrial components. Artificial Intelligence: knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic, machine learning algorithms, reinforcement learning. Techniques for incipient detection of failure modes and risk assessment. Reliability. Predictive Maintenance. Asset Management. Image and voice treatment.


Symbolic AI: Expert systems Decision trees Case-based reasoning Fuzzy logic Machine learning: Unsupervised machine learning: Clustering Supervised machine learning: neural networks, random forests, gradient booster… Reinforcement learning Generative AI: Generative Adversarial Networks Image, video, audio processing Evaluation of the condition of industrial processes. Predictive maintenance models. Methods characterizing the normal behavior expected in industrial systems and asset management

Journal Publications

show 59 journal publications


show 63 projects

Ph.D. Thesis

show 20 Ph.D. Thesis

Conference Papers

show 132 conference papers

Books and Book Chapters

show 6 books and book chapters

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Chair in "4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications - ICRERA 2015". International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER). Palermo (Italy). Nov 2015.
  • Conference "Metodología de optimización de los recursos de mantenimiento preventivo en redes eléctricas" Seminario Internacional «Optimización de la Planificación de Red e Inversiones en Sistemas Eléctricos». Iberdrola Instituto Tecnologico de Bilbao, S.A. Bilbao (Spain). Apr 1998.
  • Conference "Metodología de optimización de los recursos de mantenimiento preventivo en redes eléctricas" Seminario Internacional «Optimización de la Planificación de Red e Inversiones en Sistemas Eléctricos». Iberdrola Instituto Tecnológico de Bilbao. Bilbao (Spain). Apr 1998.
show 3 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications -ICRERA 2013 ". Universidad Pontificia Comillas e International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER). Madrid (Spain). Oct 2013.
  • Member of Committee at "Tenth IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications - ICMLA'11". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Honolulu (United States of America). Dec 2011.
  • Member of Committee at "International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems - ISCIES 2011". Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra. Coimbra (Portugal). Nov 2011.
  • Member of Committee at "International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Theory and Applications - ECTA 2011". Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication. Paris (France). Oct 2011.
  • Organization of "Workshop DENISE: Distribución Energética Inteligente Segura y Eficiente". Instituto Investigación Tecnológica y Endesa. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2009.
  • Organization of "4th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics". European Thermoelectric Society (ETS); e Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT). Madrid (Spain). Sep 1998.
show 6 organization of scientific meetings

Technical Reports

show 6 technical reports

External Training Courses

show 7 external training courses

External Relevant Positions

  • Editor at "Use, operation and maintenance of renewable energy systems: experiences and future approaches (Green energy and technology)" Springer. Berlin (Germany). May 2014.
  • Senior Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE. Piscataway (United States of America). Jan 2008 - Today.
show 2 external relevant positions

Fellowships and Awards

  • «Metodología de mantenimiento predictivo basada en análisis espectral y temporal de la historia de equipos industriales y enfoque de su aplicación a un sistema experto» "Premio VIESGO 1993 a la tesis doctoral". Fundación CEOE. Madrid (Spain). Nov 1993.
show 1 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Boal Martín-Larrauri, J. «Indoor topological SLAM using frontal computer vision»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2014.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Cruz García, A.M. «Contribuciones a la predicción a corto plazo del precio de la electricidad mediante modelos de series temporales»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2013.
  • Reviewer in "International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES". Elsevier. Oxford (United Kingdom). Oct 2011 - Jul 2012.
  • Reviewer in "International Journal of Renewable Energy Research - IJRER". University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Oct 2011 - Jul 2012.
  • Reviewer in "Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology". Springer. Seoul (South Korea). Oct 2011 - Jul 2012.
show 5 other activities