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Annual academic report
IIT Welcome Presentation
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Join the IIT Team
Dr. Julio Montes Ponce de León
Current position:
Research Area:
Smart and Sustainable Grids
Membership dates:
01/Apr/2004 - 31/Mar/2008
Journal Publications
Linares, P., Muñoz-Moro, L., Ramos, A., Montes, J.,
Internalización de externalidades medioambientales en sistemas eléctricos: Una aplicación para España
Economía Industrial
. Nº. 365, pp. 149 - 162, September 2007.
show 1 journal publications
Feasibility study of energy crop bioethanol production using new crops for utilization as transport fuel. Environmental and socioeconomic studies of the life cycle of all the biofuels
. Carried out for
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
. Jan/2007-Jun/2009
IDEA Study of the mechanical and environmental impact of using mixtures of bioethanol and fossil fuels (diesel) in a captive transport float in Seville
. Carried out for
Abengoa, Ministerio de Industria
. Jan/2007-Dec/2010
Feasibility study of energy crop bioethanol production using new crops for utilization as transport fuel. Environmental and socioeconomic studies of the life cycle of all the biofuels
. Carried out for
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
. Jun/2006-Jun/2007
Technical and economical study on logistic centers of biomass in the autonomous region of Madrid
. Carried out for
Gamesa Energía
. Mar/2006-Jul/2006
Evaluation of proposals to the NOVARE awards in R&D in energy
. Carried out for
. Jan/2006-Feb/2006
Not Available
. Carried out for
. Jan/2006-Dec/2006
Feasibility study of energy crop bioethanol production and utilization as transport fuel
. Carried out for
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
. Jun/2005-Jun/2006
Feasibility study of CO2 capture and sequestration technologies in Spain and a case study
. Carried out for
. Nov/2004-Dec/2004
Feasibility study of energy crop bioethanol production and production and utilizacion as transport fuel
. Carried out for
Abengoa Bioenergía
. Jan/2004-Jan/2005
System for detection and diagnosis of anomalies in the operation of combined-cycle power plants
. Carried out for
Iberdrola Generación
. Nov/2003-Oct/2004
External cost internalization of bioethanol to be used as transport fuel
. Carried out for
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
. Mar/2003-Mar/2004
Design and implementation of a Waste Minimisation and Management Plan for U. Pontificia Comillas
. Carried out for
Universidad Pontificia Comillas
. May/2002-Jun/2003
A study of the economic feasibility of the elimination of MSW by gasification in Elcogas plant
. Carried out for
. Sep/2000-Nov/2000
Assessment of the externalities of the nuclear fuel cycle in Spain.
. Carried out for
Ministerio de Industria y Energía
. Sep/1999-Sep/2000
Priority Setting Initiative: synergies between European and national energy RTD priorities.
. Carried out for
Comisión Europea
. Jan/1998-Nov/1999
show 15 projects
Conference Papers
Castelló, P.R., Montes, J., Sanz-Bobi, M.A.,
Bioethanol industrial production optimization
2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications - ICRERA 2013
, Madrid (Spain). 20-23 October 2013. In:
ICRERA 2013: Conference proceedings
, e-ISBN: 978-1-4799-1464-7
Sanz-Bobi, M.A., Castelló, P.R., Montes, J.,
The process of industrial bioethanol production explained by self-organised maps
2nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems - ISCIES 2011
, Coimbra (Portugal). 16-18 November 2011. In:
Computational intelligence and decision making: Trends and applications
, ISBN: 978-94-007-4721-0
Barquín, J., Linares, P., Montes, J., Pérez-Arriaga, I.J.,
The risk of energy sources
IX Fórum de la Seguretat
, Barcelona (Spain). 23 November 2006.
Linares, P., Muñoz-Moro, L., Ramos, A., Montes, J.,
Internalisation of externalities into energy decision-making: A model for the social optimisation of the operation of electrical power systems
2nd Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics - AWEEE 2006
, La Toja Island (Spain). 26-28 June 2006.
show 4 conference papers
Books and Book Chapters
Sanz-Bobi, M.A., Castelló, P.R., Montes, J.,
The process of industrial bioethanol production explained by self-organised maps
, in
Computational intelligence and decision making: Trends and applications
. Editors Madureira, A. G.; Reis, C.; Marqués, V. Ed. Springer. Leiden, Netherlands, 2012.
Montes, J., Latorre, J.M.,
Visión general del desarrollo sostenible
, in
El Ingeniero del ICAI y el desarrollo sostenible
. Editors Sancha Gonzalo, J.L.; et al., . Ed. Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid, Spain, 2009.
Montes, J., Cledera-Castro, M.M., Tejero, M., García-Cerrada, A.,
Recursos y tecnologías energéticas con energías renovables para la producción de electricidad
, in
El Ingeniero del ICAI y el desarrollo sostenible
. Editors Sancha Gonzalo, J.L.; et al., . Ed. Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid, Spain, 2009.
Arenas, A., Montes, J.,
Sostenibilidad en la vivienda
, in
El Ingeniero del ICAI y el desarrollo sostenible
. Editors Sancha Gonzalo, J.L.; et al., . Ed. Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid, Spain, 2009.
Montes, J., Cledera-Castro, M.M., Tejero, M.,
Recursos y tecnologías energéticas con energías renovables para la producción de calor y el transporte
, in
El Ingeniero del ICAI y el desarrollo sostenible
. Editors Sancha Gonzalo, J.L.; et al., . Ed. Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid, Spain, 2009.
Aróstegui, M., Leal López de Sagredo, J., Lechón, Y., Linares, P., Sáez Angulo, R.M., Varela, M., Alarcón, A., Salat, S., Sumarroca, N., Montes, J., Ramos, A.,
ExternE national implementation. Spain
. Ed. Colección Documentos CIEMAT. Madrid, Spain, 1999.
show 6 books and book chapters
Media and research dissemination
Oportunidad de los biocarburantes
". Cinco Días (Jan 2002)
show 1 media and research dissemination