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Dr. José Carlos Romero Mora

Current position:
Assistant Professor
Association date:
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 2479/2721
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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Organization of ICAI and a researcher at the Institute of Technological Research. In addition to my research activity, I carry out teaching work in the Mechanical Engineering Department of ICAI. I graduated as an Industrial Engineer from the University of Malaga and defended my doctoral thesis on sustainable energy system models at Comillas. Throughout my career I have participated in research and consultancy projects related to indicators of energy sustainability at an urban, regional and national level; with the adaptation of the energy system to climate change; with the technical-economic analysis of energy poverty and with the development of future energy scenarios. I have been a visiting researcher at the Institute for Environmental Sustainability at Loyola University in Chicago. In addition to the research activities related to the Institute of Technological Research, I coordinate the Chair of Energy and Poverty and I am a collaborator of the BP Chair of Energy and Sustainability.

Areas of interest:

Energy Sustainability; Fuel Poverty; Energy Transition


Test Engineer (4 years); Technical Director at the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (6 years); Assistant Researcher (8 years); International Project Coordinator (3 years)


LabView; LabWindows/CVI; TestStand; R; GAMS

Current research interests:

Energy poverty; Energy systems modelling; Energy Sustainability; Energy Justice; Energy and Ethics

Journal Publications

show 28 journal publications


show 23 projects

Ph.D. Thesis

show 4 Ph.D. Thesis

Conference Papers

show 11 conference papers

Books and Book Chapters

show 7 books and book chapters

International Exchanges

  • May - Sep 2016, Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES), Loyola University Chicago. Chicago (United States of America).
show 1 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Conference "A dual perspective on energy poverty in Spain: traditional and gap indicators for 2023" International Workshop «The ecological transititon challenge: Energy poverty, well-being and sustainability». Universidad Pontificia Comillas; Universidad de Nebrija. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2024.
  • Conference "Senioverty proyect. Assessing the social implications of senior energy poverty. The Spanish case" Foro 360. Fundación “la Caixa”. Barcelona (Spain). Nov 2024.
  • Seminar "SADSE seminar: Defining and assessing transport poverty". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2024.
  • Round table "Real experiences of impact measurement" Seminario «¿Impactan las medidas contra la pobreza energética en las familias en situación de vulnerabilidad?» . Fundación Naturgy. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2023.
  • Conference "Emergence of the energy issue, conflicts and poverty" Avanzar en la seguridad humana y en los ODS. FUHEM Ecosocial. Zaragoza (Spain). Mar 2023.
  • Conference "Indicators of energy poverty in Spain 2021" Taller «Propuestas para mejorar la estrategia nacional contra la pobreza energética 2019-2024». Unión General de los Trabajadores de España - UGT. Online. Nov 2022.
  • Chair in "Round table: Circular economy. Responsible production and consumption" Encuentros para la Sostenibilidad 2022. Fundación Casa de México en España; y Fundación Iberdrola España. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2022.
  • Chair in "Session 2. Experiences of energy communities oriented to the fight against vulnerability" VIII Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. ¿Cómo contribuyen las comunidades energéticas a luchar contra la pobreza energética?. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain) Online. May 2022.
  • Chair in "Session 1. "Where are we? Two years of the National Strategy against Energy Poverty "" VII Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. Situación actual y perspectivas de evolución de la pobreza energética en España. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Chair in "Debate. "The next steps in the fight against Energy Poverty."" VII Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. Situación actual y perspectivas de evolución de la pobreza energética en España. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Round table "Modeling and analysis of the electricity consumption of vulnerable households in Spain" VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Conference "Higher education and research for socio-ecological transformation" SC URL 2021 VI Semana Científica. Universidad Rafael Landívar. Online. Oct 2021.
  • Conference "Modeling and analysis of electricity consumption in Spanish vulnerable households. Technical session: Energy transition" 14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Online. Jun 2021.
  • Chair in "Session 2: The minimum vital supply" VI Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. El Suministro Mínimo Vital (SMV): una herramienta crucial en la lucha contra la pobreza energética. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2021.
  • Chair in "The role of religions in the face of climate change" Conferencia de las Partes (COP25Madrid). Fundación Imagen de Chile. Madrid (Spain). Dec 2019.
  • Seminar "Energy Poverty. Who is left behind by energy transition?" MEPI Conference. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2019.
  • Chair in "Round table «The reason at the technocracy»". Cátedra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Religión. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2017.
  • Chair in "12th AEEE Conference. Session: Energy policy and regulation". Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE); Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca (Spain). Feb 2017.
  • Chair in "Energy Economics Iberian Conference - EEIC 2016. Session: Energy and Sustainability". Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) ; University of Aveiro. Lisbon (Portugal). Feb 2016.
  • Conference "Natural resources and sustainability: technological, economic, social and ethical aspects" Seminario UNIJES. UNIJES. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2010.
show 20 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

show 10 organization of scientific meetings

Technical Reports

show 28 technical reports

External Training Courses

show 2 external training courses

External Relevant Positions

show 3 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

  • "Ten million people in Spain are unable to keep their homes warm during the winter". Diario de Ferrol. (Oct 2024)
  • "10 million Spaniards can't heat their homes". La Razón. (Oct 2024)
  • "Most severe hidden energy poverty is recorded in the region". El Periódico de Extremadura. (Oct 2024)
  • "In 2023, 20.7% of households were cold in winter at home". Cuatro. Noticias Cuatro. (Oct 2024)
  • "One in 10 Spaniards didn't pay energy bills on time in 2023". El País. Economía. (Oct 2024)
  • "Indicators of energy poverty, Spain 2023". Presentación de informe. (Oct 2024)
  • "The application of the social bonus has helped reduce energy poverty in the most vulnerable families". Radio Nacional. Radio 1. Las mañanas de RNE. (Oct 2024)
  • "One in ten households cannot to pay their gas or electricity bills". 13 Televisión. Trece noticias. (Oct 2024)
  • "Surviving with blankets: two in 10 households in Spain can't maintain the right temperature in winter". elPeriodico. Sociedad. (Oct 2024)
  • "Social tariffs reduce energy poverty in low-income families by 44%". InfoLibre. (Oct 2024)
  • "Energy poverty data improves even though ten million people cannot heat their homes". Rtve. Noticias. Sociedad (Oct 2024)
  • "More than 10 million Spaniards were unable to keep their homes at an ‘adequate’ temperature last winter". La Vanguardia. (Oct 2024)
  • "18% of households in Castilla-La Mancha could not keep warm in winter 2023". clm24.es (Oct 2024)
  • "Energy poverty decrease after a 2023 high and with social tariffs as a “lifeline”". elDiario.es (Oct 2024)
  • "Severe hidden energy poverty increases in Balearic households". Diario Última hora. (Dec 2023)
  • "Almost 8 million Spaniards cannot maintain an adequate temperature in their homes". 65ymás.com (Dec 2023)
  • "Eight million people suffer from energy poverty in Spain". Diario de Almería. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly 8 million people could not heat their homes in 2022". Diario de León. (Dec 2023)
  • "Four million people failed to pay their electricity bills on time in 2022". La voz de Galicia. (Dec 2023)
  • "More than 8 million people suffer from energy poverty and are unable to heat their homes". La Vanguardia. (Dec 2023)
  • "In 2022, about 8 million people could not keep their homes at an adequate temperature". Las mañanas de RNE. (Dec 2023)
  • "The Region of Murcia, at the front of the number of households in severe energy poverty in the whole of Spain". Cadena Ser. Hora 14 Región de Murcia. (Dec 2023)
  • "Energy poverty: More than 8 million cannot maintain an adequate temperature in their homes". Diario Los Replicantes. (Dec 2023)
  • "2022: a year of shadows from a energy poverty perspective". Diario Responsable. (Dec 2023)
  • "Increasing the households unable to keep their homes at the right temperature". Zamora24horas.com. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly 8 million people could not maintain right temperature in their homes in 2022". El Periódico de Canarias. (Dec 2023)
  • "Increasing the households unable to keep their homes at an adequate temperature during winter". Salamanca24horas.com. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly 8 million Spaniards could not acclimatise their homes in winter in 2022 as a result of the energy crisis". Fuentes Informadas. (Dec 2023)
  • "The government's measures worked". Diario de León. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly 8 million people could not maintain right temperature in their homes in 2022". El País. Economía. (Dec 2023)
  • "Indicators of energy poverty, Spain 2022". Presentación de informe. (Dec 2023)
  • "Energy prices in 2022". Radio Nacional. Radio 1. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly 8 million people could not maintain the right temperature in their homes during 2022". Telemadrid. Telenoticias 1. (Dec 2023)
  • "Energy poverty in Spain". 13 Televisión. Trece noticias. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly eight million people could not maintain the right temperature in their homes in 2022". Público. (Dec 2023)
  • "Region, at the front of severe energy poverty". La Verdad. (Dec 2023)
  • "Energy poverty continued growing in Spain in 2022, although at a slower rhythm than expected". NoticiasDe.es. (Dec 2023)
  • "Energy poverty continued growing in Spain in 2022, but at a slower rhythm than expected". La Vanguardia. (Dec 2023)
  • "Nearly 8 million people in Spain could not maintain an adequate temperature in their homes in 2022, according to a report". Cope. Sociedad. (Dec 2023)
  • "Spanish homes are getting colder and colder". Alfa & Omega. (Dec 2023)
  • "The number of Spaniards unable to heat their homes doubles under the coalition government". El Confidencial. (Dec 2023)
  • "One in three households cut back on heating due to fear of paying bills". Onda Cero. Noticias. Sociedad. (Dec 2023)
  • "Express housing refurbishment reduces fuel poverty in vulnerable households by up to 12%.". ep social. (Jun 2023)
  • "Hidden energy poverty in vulnerable households is reduced by 12% through express housing retrofitting initiatives". Corresponsables. (Jun 2023)
  • "Express housing refurbishment reduces energy poverty in vulnerable households by up to 12%.". Energías Renovables. (Jun 2023)
  • "Naturgy Foundation will show the impact of energy rehabilitation on poverty". PRNoticias. (Jun 2023)
  • "Fuel poverty affects health and school performance". Heraldo de Aragón (Mar 2023)
  • "Nearly half of the vulnerable households do not receive the energy social bonus". InfoLibre. (Mar 2023)
  • "Energy poverty. The fear of the bill: Spain doubles the European average of people who cannot keep their homes warm.". Noticias. España. (Jan 2023)
  • "More households are going cold because of electricity bill fears". Cinco Días (Jan 2023)
  • "Three out of four households have not yet contracted a regulated gas rate, despite being 50% cheaper". InfoLibre. (Jan 2023)
  • "Energy poverty causes 7,100 deaths annually". Mundoenergía. Sector energético. (Jan 2023)
  • "More than 4.5 million people will not be able to keep their homes at an adequate temperature during Christmas". Murcia.com. (Dec 2022)
  • "Energy poverty: how living in a cold home triggers health problems". Business Insider. (Dec 2022)
  • "Pandemic increased fuel poverty by 94,000, the highest in six years". La Opinión A Coruña. (Dec 2022)
  • "Severe fuel poverty has worsened dramatically: 2 million households cannot heat their homes". El Mundo. (Dec 2022)
  • "Energy crisis". Otra mirada. (Dec 2022)
  • "Energy poverty, a difficult situation facing Melilla's families". El Faro de Melilla. (Nov 2022)
  • "Avalanche in gas TUR: more than 250,000 new contracts in one month". El Economista. Energía. (Nov 2022)
  • "The report on energy poverty indicators in Spain in 2021 is presented.". ANERR. Comunicación. (Nov 2022)
  • "Fuel poverty is on the rise: the number of households with inadequate heating doubles". Prefieres.es. (Nov 2022)
  • "Energy poverty report". 1, 2, 3, Comillas. (desde el min 02,37) (Nov 2022)
  • "Spain will spend Christmas with rationed heating". La Razón. Economía. (Nov 2022)
  • "Stifled by energy bill". Diari de Tarragona. (Nov 2022)
  • "18.5% of Melilla's households cannot afford to pay for electricity after deducting their basic costs". El Faro de Melilla. (Nov 2022)
  • "Nearly three million families suffered severe energy poverty in 2021 in Spain due to disproportionate expenses". Onda Cero. Noticias de fin de semana. (Nov 2022)
  • "Nearly 7 million households stop heating due to bill fears". Diario de León. (Nov 2022)
  • "The population without thermal comfort in winter doubles compared to 2019". Diario de Sevilla. (Nov 2022)
  • "Two million families suffered from severe energy poverty". El correo. (Nov 2022)
  • "9.5 % of the population was unable to pay for electricity and gas". El Economista. (Nov 2022)
  • "10% of households pay electricity bill late". La 7 de Castilla y León. CYLTV Noticias 2 (Nov 2022)
  • "The number of households that cannot keep their homes warm during the winter doubles". Público. (Nov 2022)
  • "Two million Spanish households suffered severe hidden energy poverty in 2021". NoticiasDe.es. (Nov 2022)
  • "Energy poverty: the percentage of households unable to keep their homes at the right temperature is soaring". elDiario.es (Nov 2022)
  • "The population without thermal comfort in winter doubles compared to 2019". El Confidencial. (Nov 2022)
  • "Severe hidden energy poverty will add 1.6 million more people in 2021, according to Comillas University.". El Español. (Nov 2022)
  • "2.7 million Spanish families in a situation of energy poverty, denounce Comillas ICADE". Economist & Jurist. (Nov 2022)
  • "Fear of the bill will mark the winter". Alfa & Omega. (Nov 2022)
  • "Nearly two million Spanish households suffered severe hidden energy poverty in 2021". Vozpopuli. (Nov 2022)
  • "From financial suffocation to pay the heating bill to turning it off straight away: how fuel poverty changed in 2021". Diario 20 minutos. (Nov 2022)
  • "Seven million Spaniards fail to keep their homes at an adequate temperature in winter". El Debate. (Nov 2022)
  • "More than 14% of households were unable to maintain an adequate temperature last year due to energy poverty". La Vanguardia (Nov 2022)
  • "Energy poverty increases in Spain". Diario Responsable. (Nov 2022)
  • "A high number of households entered into severe hidden energy poverty, according to a study by the Chair of Energy and Poverty at Comillas Pontifical University". Religión Digital. (Nov 2022)
  • "Severe fuel poverty grows in households with colder home to pay bills". Informativos Telecinco. (Nov 2022)
  • "Fuel poverty hindered 6.7 million people from heating their homes in 2021". Vida Nueva Digital. (Nov 2022)
  • "Electricity and gas prices have dropped". Cadena Cope. Mediodía Cope. (Nov 2022)
  • "Energy poverty falls after a 2023 high and with social tariffs as a ‘lifeline’". elDiario.es (Nov 2022)
  • "How did the post-pandemic affect energy poverty in Spain? Indicators of energy poverty in Spain 2021". Presentación de informe. (Nov 2022)
  • "More than 14% of the Spanish population suffered energy poverty last year". Radio Galega. A cronica. (Nov 2022)
  • "Up to 2.7 million families in Spain suffer from hidden energy poverty". Cadena Cope. Mediodía Cope (Nov 2022)
  • "Food waste". CVX. Política-mente . (Oct 2022)
  • "The public sector protects Europe from the cold: governments have already committed half a trillion euros in aid". InfoLibre. (Sep 2022)
  • "How to reduce the 7% gas consumption required by Brussels: lower the heating by one degree or turn it off at night". Newtral.es (Jul 2022)
  • "The controversy of the 'thermostat operation' in Italy: "27 º C to work is very hot, bordering on unhealthy"". Nius. Economía. Consumo. (Apr 2022)
  • "Efraim Centeno and José Carlos Romero. Chair of Energy and Poverty". Razón y Fe. T. 285, nº1457, pp. 255-267. (Apr 2022)
  • "What effect does lowering the heating thermostat one degree have on gas consumption?". The Conversation. (Apr 2022)
  • "The power of the consumer: lowering the heating by one degree can reduce purchases of Russian gas by 6%". Nius. Economía. Consumo. (Mar 2022)
  • "Energy poverty and COVID-19". Diario responsable. Opinión. (Mar 2022)
  • "The COVID lockdown aggravated energy poverty but the social shield avoids worse consequences". The Conversation. (Feb 2022)
  • "Pandemic and energy poverty". Alfa y Omega. Nº 1247. (Feb 2022)
  • "Assessment of the energy-environmental impact of greenhouse-grown tomatoes: A case study in Almeria (Spain)". Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros de ICAI. (Sep 2021)
  • "Evaluation of the distributional implications of the National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electricity System". EsadeEcPol. (Sep 2021)
  • "New electricity bill". Revista Comillas. Nº104, p. 56. (Jul 2021)
  • "Energy, a luxury for 12% of Spanish households". Cinco Días. (Jan 2021)
  • "A great global «company»". Revista Comillas. Nº 96, p. 64. (Dec 2018)
show 106 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

show 2 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "González García, A. « A comprehensive decision support framework for the provision of universal access to modern power services in developing countries»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2024.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Manjón Rodríguez, M.J. «Bridging disconnections through social entrepreneurship to tackle energy poverty»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2023.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Escribano Alonso, M.E. «Experiencia, saber y agencia de las personas en situación de pobreza energética. Una aproximación desde el trabajo social»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2023.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Lakebelek, F. «De la integridad de la creación a la ecología integral: estudio comparativo entre la categoría integridad de la creación en el magisterio local de la conferencia Episcopal de Indonesia y la categoría ecología integral en la Laudato Si’ y su aplicación a la crisis medioambiental en el contexto indonesio»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2023.
  • Reviewer of "Reconciliación transdisciplinar. Migrantes forzosos subsaharianos en condiciones de vulnerabilidad". Tirant Humanidades. Valencia (Spain). Dec 2022.
show 5 other activities