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Dr. Efraim Centeno Hernáez

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Association date:
RF4. D-402
Phone extension number:
+34 91 542-2800 ext. 6279
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Efraim Centeno Hernáez is a research and teaching professional with more than thIrty years of experience in the fields of Electric Power Systems and Electricity Markets Technical and Economic Analysis. He is Electronics Engineer (ICAI), Research Techniques Specialist and PhD at Comillas Pontifical University. Besides he has a Master Degree in Psicology of Coaching (UNED). He was Associate Professor at Carlos III University (Madrid) and has made stays in France (EDF, Clamart, Paris), Argentina (Universidad de La Plata), United Kingdom (Cambridge University) and USA (Berkeley University). He is full professor at the Department of Electric Engineering of ICAI. He was Director of the Institute for Research in Technology of ICAI (Comillas Pontifical University) from 2010 to 2016 and he is currently director of the Chair of energy and poverty.

Areas of interest:

Electric power system operation models. Hydrothermal coordination. Electric power markets. Just energy transition and energy poverty.

Journal Publications

show 35 journal publications


show 82 projects

Conference Papers

show 56 conference papers

Books and Book Chapters

show 7 books and book chapters

International Exchanges

  • Aug - Dec 2024, Energy and Materials Transtion Unit, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO). Amsterdam (Netherlands).
  • May 2022, Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation, Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz). Graz (Austria).
  • Jun 2018, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California. Berkeley (United States of America).
  • Jul 2012, Electricity Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge. Cambridge (United Kingdom).
  • Aug 1996Universidad de la Plata. La Plata (Argentina).
  • Aug 1995Universidad Nacional del Salvador. San Salvador (El Salvador).
  • Aug 1994Universidad Nacional del Salvador. San Salvador (El Salvador).
  • Feb - Jul 1994Electricité de France (EDF). Clamart (France).
show 8 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Round table "Energy and climate dialogues: energy and poverty" Link. . Fundación Reformismo 21. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2024.
  • Chair in "Session 1. «Consumer support measures in the context of the current energy crisis»" IX Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar «¿Cuál es el impacto real sobre las personas vulnerables de las medidas contra la crisis energética actual?». Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2023.
  • Seminar "Revisiting cost recovery in marginalist markets in long-run studies: How far does the theory go?". Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Dec 2022.
  • Chair in "Discussion and conclusions" VIII Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. ¿Cómo contribuyen las comunidades energéticas a luchar contra la pobreza energética?. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain) Online. May 2022.
  • Chair in "Session 2. "How far is the thermal bonus going to alleviate Energy Poverty?"" VII Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. Situación actual y perspectivas de evolución de la pobreza energética en España. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Conference "Modeling and analysis of electricity consumption in Spanish vulnerable households. Technical session: Energy transition" 14th IEEE PowerTech Conference 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES); y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Online. Jun 2021.
  • Chair in "Seminar «A new electric bill on June 1»". Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2021.
  • Chair in "Session 1. Presentation of the project: "Development of a model for calculating theoretical electricity consumption in Spanish homes"" VI Sesión del Seminario Interdisciplinar. El Suministro Mínimo Vital (SMV): una herramienta crucial en la lucha contra la pobreza energética. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2021.
  • Seminar "Energy Poverty. Who is left behind by energy transition?" MEPI Conference. Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2019.
  • Chair in "II Session of the Interdisciplinary Seminar. The challenge of the national strategy against energy poverty". Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2019.
  • Round table "Advances on the analysis of energy poverty in Spain" Jornada «El reto de la pobreza energética: causas y propuestas». Fundación Naturgy. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2018.
  • Seminar "Lesson study: Researching about how we teach to improve how they learn" Reunión del GRID (Grupo de Reflexión sobre Innovación Docente). Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2018.
  • Workshop "100 ways to calculate a force. Electricity, gravity and creativity" XVI Semana de la Ciencia. Fundación para el conocimiento madri+d. Comunidad de Madrid. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2016.
  • Workshop "Greeting and presentation" Workshop « Robots de bajo coste y discapacidad». Campus Aristos Mundus 2015. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2015.
  • Presentation "Research vs. Application. How to connect universities and companies" V Congreso Internacional de Investigadores Audiovisuales: Tecnología y Contenidos Digitales Aplicados. ESNE (Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Innovación); ICONO14. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2014.
  • Round table "Opportunities for innovation in industrial and energy sector" Jornada Dia del Emprendimiento Comillas/ICAI/ICADE. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2013.
  • Presentation "Technology transfer at the Institute for Research in Technology" XIII Congreso ISJACHEM / JINSEA, “Energía y Sostenibilidad”. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2011.
  • Seminar "System Dynamics". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2010.
  • Seminar "System Dynamics". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2009.
  • Seminar "Como gastar bien 200 millones de euros (introducción a la programación binivel)" Aula de Investigación. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2009.
show 20 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

show 11 organization of scientific meetings

Technical Reports

show 12 technical reports

Working Papers

show 10 working papers

External Relevant Positions

  • Member of I+D+i Committee Instituto de la Ingeniería de España. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2009 - Jun 2011.
  • Editor at "The Journal of Energy Markets" Risk Journals. London (United Kingdom). Mar 2008 - Dec 2015.
show 2 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

show 63 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

show 2 fellowships and awards

Other Activities

  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "González Romero, I.C. «Transmission Expansion Planning under imperfect competition»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2022.
  • Master Thesis director of "Fernández Palomino, L.J. «Integración de la generación de hidrógeno verde en el MIBEL, análisis a largo plazo»". Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Universidad de A Coruña; Universidad de Vigo; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid;. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2022.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Valle Díez, A. «A model-based approach for the analysis of the European internal natural gas market»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2019.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Romero Mora, J.C. «Measuring energy sustainability: a new operational framework based on weak and strong indicators»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2019.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Khan, Z. «Integrating water and energy systems for long-term resource management»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Dec 2017.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Martín Martínez, F. «Modeling tools for planning and operation of DERS and their impact in microgrids and centralized resources»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jul 2017.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Fernández Menéndez, F. «Analysis of energy markets interconnected with network restrictions»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2016.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Delgadillo Vega, A.R. «Analysis of the impact of subsequent markets and mechanisms used to resolve technical constraints on wholesale electricity»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2014.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Morales España, G.A. «Unit commitment: computational performance, system representation and wind uncertainty management »". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Oct 2014.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "López-Peña Fernández, A. «Evaluation and design of sustainable energy policies: an application to the case of Spain»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2014.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "Díaz Durán, C.A. «Analysis of oligopolistic electricity markets with network constraints»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Sep 2013.
  • Doctoral Defense Committee of "López de Haro, S.J. «Batch sequencing for resource management in manufacturing environments»". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2011.
show 12 other activities