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D. Andrés Diego Díaz Casado

Current position:
Visiting Researcher
Association date:
RF4. P4.65


Andrés D. Díaz Casado obtained the Electromechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering (special subject: Power Systems) degrees at the Comillas University, in 1981.

He attended numerous doctoral and postgraduate courses, among others, with professors Torá Galván, Pérez Arriaga and Ramos Galán. Other courses and seminars were at RISO National Laboratory (“International Conference on the Use of Simulation Models in Energy Planning” and “Conference on Models and Uncertainty in the Energy Sector”, Copenhagen 1983 and 1986), Stone and Webster (“EGEAS User ´s meeting”, Denver 1987), IEEE, (“Modern Energy Management System Technologies” Phoenix, 1993) and at the Menéndez Pelayo, Carlos III, Polytechnic and Complutense Universities of Madrid, etc.

Since 1982 to 2018, he carried out his professional work at Endesa, mainly in the areas of Energy Planning, Regulatory Affairs and Energy Management, collaborating in the development of mathematical models for forecasting demand and optimizing the operation of the Spanish power system and participating in UNESA and REE task groups. Among other projects, he has participated in the study of the technical and economic benefits of the Central American Isthmus Network (1988) or in the fuel transformation of PGR power plant.

He has directed or co-directed numerous end-of-course projects. In 2009, he began teaching Power Systems Analysis in the Industrial Technical Engineering degree at ICAI. He taught Electrical Power Systems in the Electromechanical Engineering Degree studies between the years 2013 and 2017. Currently, he is a professor of Power System Operation of the Master in Industrial Engineering and is also part of the IIT Electric Vehicle and Sustainable Mobility Observatory (OVEMS).

His areas of interest are the study, planning and regulation of energy systems.

Areas of interest:

Study, planning and regulation of energy systems.