Underfrequency load-shedding (UFLS) schemes are a last-resort tool to protect power systems under large active power disturbances. UFLS schemes are structure in steps that shed fractions of the total demand to arrest frequency decay. UFLS is currently carried out by disconnecting HV/MV transformers. Active power of the HV/MV transformers is affected by the variability of the demand and of the renewable generation within the distribution systems.
The ASIGNA project aims at selecting and allocating HV/MV transformers in a robust manner. It will also analyze the impact of the granularity of the loads to be considered thereof and the periodicity of allocation. The successful will carry out research on the developlment of algorithms and tools that allow quantifying the loading patterns and selecting and allocation loads in a robust manner. The successful candidate will lead the project from a technical point of view. This project contributes to the improvement of reliability and resilience of power systems under high penetration of RES.
We are looking for candidates with a M.Sc. in electrical engineering or similar. Candidates should have (or be close to obtain) the academic requirements to join the PhD program of Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid.
Good Spanish and English level (understanding, writing and speaking).
Knowledge on power systems, statistics and machine learning, optimization, and programming skills (GAMS, Matlab) will be valued positively.
Dead lines:
This call for application closes on April 5, 2024.
What do we offer?
We offer a full-time contract with exclusive dedication to the PhD thesis. Starting annual gross salary amounts to 26932 €, including mandatory contributions to the social security system (health insurance, unemployment, etc.). 90% of the fees related to the PhD are covered by the IIT and the successful candidate will have access to all the services offered by the university.