The selected candidate will join a work team working on a project on how to involve citizens in the energy transition. In this project, an ecosystem is developed that allows the consumer to participate in the electricity markets, offering electrical flexibility just like a generator does today. This ecosystem consists of various prediction, monitoring, optimization, virtualization, customer loyalty, and interoperability services. It is an international project with 7 countries and more than 15 companies, which requires great skills in systematizing and organizing work.
It offers: Annual full-time contract for the development of projects. Besides, the Research Assistant could take training activities. This modality allows the Research Assistant to establish a very close professional relationship with the companies with which he/she collaborates, thus nourishing his/her research with the experience accumulated during the projects. Although this modality does not necessarily require enrolling in any program, the Research Assistant can apply for a PhD after the first two years. The Research Assistant is hired each year for a maximum period of 6. If he or she is not enrolled in a PhD program the contract cannot exceed two years. The gross salary of the first year is € 24.410 for 2021. In addition, the IIT covers 90% of the cost of training activities and the Research Assistant will have access to all the services offered by the University (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).
Requirements: Bachelor or Master in Engineering. Programming skills. Organizational skills and work systematization. High English level (minimum C1). Be able to travel.
Documents: Curriculum vitae, academic record, cover letter and two recommendation letters.