Integrating electric vehicles and distributed energy resources in distribution networks
Distributed energy resources (e.g., electric vehicles, distributed generation) are an opportunity to decarbonize the energy system. The case of electric vehicles is very clear with their great potential to electrify the transportation section. At the same time, they pose new technical challenges to the power system, which can be addressed with increased flexibility (e.g., defining smart charging strategies, optimizing the allocation of charging spots, operating storage, activating demand response, etc.).
The evolution of distribution networks towards a smart system that allows using the synergies of the distributed energy resources is critical. For this paradigm shift, new models are necessary to analyze future scenarios and define strategic roadmaps. This Ph.D. and research position will analyze the impact of electric vehicles, and distributed energy resources, in distribution networks. The researcher will participate in the Observatory of the Electric Vehicle and Sustainable Mobility of Comillas Pontifical University. He will become part of the REDES research group, that has vast experience applying distribution network models in collaboration with renowned international institutions, such as NREL, MIT, the Joint Research Centre of European Commission, World Bank, Iberdrola, etc. The candidate will learn theoretical and practical knowledge about power systems, distribution networks, electric vehicles, and distributed energy resources.
What do we offer? Annual full-time contract for the development of this research line. In addition, training activities may be carried out. This modality allows the Research Assistant to establish a very close professional relationship with the institutions with which he/she collaborates. The Research Assistant will apply for a PhD. The Research Assistant is hired each year for a maximum period of 6. The gross salary for the first year is 24,410 € for the year 2021. In addition, the IIT covers 90% of the cost of training activities and the Research Assistant can enjoy all the advantages offered to Comillas students (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).
The candidate must have a master in Engineering and must have an advanced level of English and/or Spanish. Knowledge of power systems, distributed energy resources (e.g., electric vehicles) and/or computing languages will be an advantage.
Curriculum Vitae; Academic record; Presentation and Motivation Letter; Document or article representative of candidate capabilities.