Doctoral research opportunity for Ukrainian citizens: Doctoral Program in Power Systems and in Engineering Systems Modeling
The Institute for Research in Technology offers three-year working contracts to Ukrainian citizens to research in any of the research areas of IIT (bioengineering, fire safety, thermal and fluids engineering, energy system models, smart and sustainable grids, energy economics and regulation, electric power systems, railway systems, intelligent systems, smart management for sustainability): Areas of IIT
IIT offers:
Annual full-time contract for the development of research. Besides, the Research Assistant could take training activities. The gross salary is €25.020. In addition, the IIT covers 90% of the cost of doctoral training activities. The Research Assistant will have access to all the services offered by the University (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).
The candidate must have a master's degree in Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, or related fields to IIT research, especially valuable knowledge in computer programming. A good academic record and the candidate's knowledge of these topics will also be considered when assessing candidate merit. Spoken and written skills in English.
Curriculum vitae, academic record, cover letter, and (if possible) two recommendation letters.