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Plasma distributions observed in a 2.45 GHz hydrogen discharge

O.D. Cortázar, A. Megia-Macías, O. Tarvainen, A. Vizcaíno-de-Julián

Plasma Sources Science and Technology Vol. 23, nº. 6, pp. 065028-1 - 065028-12


The existence of various spatial distributions of hydrogen plasma in a pulsed 2.45 GHz microwave discharge is demonstrated. The data has been obtained through optical emission diagnostics utilizing an ultra-fast CCD camera system with multi-channel plate (MCP) intensifiers, and a wavelength-filtered photodiode recording temporal light emission signals of hydrogen atoms and molecules. It has been observed that the magnetic field topology and strength are determining the transitions between different plasma patterns and spectral saturation times while neutral gas pressure and microwave power show a weaker influence on the profiles but affect the emitted light intensity.

Índice de impacto JCR y cuartil WoS: 3,591 - Q1 (2014); 3,300 - Q1 (2023)

Referencia DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en papel: Diciembre 2014.

Publicado on-line: Octubre 2014.

O.D. Cortázar, A. Megia-Macías, O. Tarvainen, A. Vizcaíno-de-Julián, Plasma distributions observed in a 2.45 GHz hydrogen discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. Vol. 23, nº. 6, pp. 065028-1 - 065028-12, Diciembre 2014. [Online: Octubre 2014]

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