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Power transmission regulation in a liberalised context: an analysis of innovative solutions in South American markets

P. Mastropietro, L.A. Barroso, C. Batlle

Utilities Policy Vol. 33, pp. 1 - 9

After decades of reduced need for investment, transmission regulation is increasingly gaining relevance and complexity in liberalised power sectors, mainly due to the need to integrate sometimes distant and large-scale renewable energy sources. We identify the key principles that should be considered at three levels: transmission expansion, remuneration, and cost allocation. The proposals we develop are built upon a review of the noteworthy experiences matured in South America, a region which, besides leading restructuring in the 1980s and 1990s, has with different levels of success always relied on innovative solutions to deal with this crucial regulatory challenge.

Palabras Clave: Transmission regulation; Transmission tariffs; Cost allocation; Expansion planning; South America

Índice de impacto JCR y cuartil WoS: 1,110 - Q2 (2015); 3,800 - Q2 (2023)

Referencia DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en papel: Abril 2015.

Publicado on-line: Febrero 2015.

P. Mastropietro, L.A. Barroso, C. Batlle, Power transmission regulation in a liberalised context: an analysis of innovative solutions in South American markets. Utilities Policy. Vol. 33, pp. 1 - 9, Abril 2015. [Online: Febrero 2015]

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Diseño y regulación de mercados energéticos
  • *Regulación de las infraestructuras energéticas de redes: Transporte y distribución

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