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Complex systems techniques applied to transmission expansion planning. Part II: an agent-based model for transmission expansion planning

M. Pereda, I. Bertazzi, S. Lumbreras, A. Patania, J.G. Young, D. Citron, M. Haraguchi

Agent-based methods are useful for modeling complicated systems from the bottom-up. We propose an agentbased model to optimize the design of a power grid. The model is inspired by the behavior of the Plasmodium mould, whose feeding process is able to build efficient transportation networks as it feeds itself. Algorithms inspired by this mould have already been applied to road networks, but have never been explored in the problem of power network design given the added complexities of power flow. We propose a modification of the algorithm that includes the particulars of power systems and the related physics. The model is implemented in NetLogo and GAMS. This paper is the first step in introducing agent-based methods in power network planning.

Palabras clave: Transmission Expansion Planning, Agent-Based Modeling

Fecha de Registro: 10/11/2015


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