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Smart grid telecommunications: fundamentals and technologies in the 5G era

A. Sendín, J. Matanza, R. Ferrús

Wiley-IEEE Press, Hoboken, Estados Unidos de América


This book explains what the Smart Grid is, why Telecommunications are instrumental in the evolution of the grid towards it, and how this evolution can be achieved.

For this purpose, the chapter 1 explains the fundamental aspects of the electric power system, and the main characteristic of its future evolution as a Smart Grid, to understand how Telecommunications address existing challenges, and how Telecommunications need to be adapted to fit Smart Grid requirements.

The reader must be familiar with Telecommunication low (basic) and high level concepts, the organization of telecommunication systems, and how everything engages to produce Telecommunication Systems / Networks, capable of delivering the telecommunication services needed in the Smart Grid. This content is delivered in chapters 2 and 3.

Next, the reader must understand which specific applications and services within the Smart Grid, need to be supported by telecommunications, and they must be explained from their Telecommunications-relevant perspective, i.e., the “where”, the “how”, the “how many”, etc. must be covered, to translate them into telecommunications requirements, and fit into state-of-the-art and future telecommunication solutions. This will be covered in chapter 4.

Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8 focus on the four main domains of Telecommunication Systems / Networks. Chapter 5 and 6 are based on wireline systems, and chapters 7 and 8 on wireless systems. Each of this chapters describes the evolution of the systems to the extend needed to understand their current situation and their future. Architecture aspects will be covered to help the reader understand which Smart Grid Applications and Services can leverage their services and where, and low-level details will be explained to help the reader understand which requirements can be covered (performance, i.e., throughput, latency, etc.). A last section of each chapter will map the applications and services declared in chapter 4 with the Telecommunication solutions in each domain.

Chapter 9 may be useful to explain the reader how different selections of telecommunication systems, networks, and services, to accommodate different ranges and scope of Smart Grid solutions are combined in hybrid networks delivering solutions to help the Smart Grid paradigm become a reality.

Resumen divulgativo:

El libro aborda las tecnologías de telecomunicaciones existentes en las redes de energía eléctrica (Smart Grids) contextualizándolas en casos reales y representativos. El libro abarca tanto tecnologías “clásicas” (p.e. par trenzado) como tecnologías de vanguardia (p.e. las redes inalámbricas 5G).

Palabras clave: Smart Grids; Telecommunications; 5G; Internet of Things; PowerLine Communications; Radio Communication for Smart Grids; Optical Communication for Smart Grids.

ISBN: 978-1-119-75537-1


Publicado: 2021

A. Sendín, J. Matanza, R. Ferrús, Smart grid telecommunications: fundamentals and technologies in the 5G era. Ed. Wiley-IEEE Press. Hoboken, Estados Unidos de América, 2021.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Redes inteligentes
  • Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC)
  • Comunicaciones digitales

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