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Reference network models: a computational tool for planning and designing large-scale smart electricity distribution grids

T. Gómez, C. Mateo, A. Sánchez, P. Frías, R. Cossent

En el libro High performance computing in power and energy systems. Power systems, 76

Springer, Berlín, Alemania

Editores: Kumar-Khaitan, S.; Gupta, A.

ISBN: 978-3642326820

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado: 2013

T. Gómez, C. Mateo, A. Sánchez, P. Frías, R. Cossent, Reference network models: a computational tool for planning and designing large-scale smart electricity distribution grids, en High performance computing in power and energy systems. Power systems, 76. Editores Kumar-Khaitan, S.; Gupta, A.. Ed. Springer. Berlín, Alemania, 2013.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Smart Grids

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