3rd European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics - WOLTE 3, Düsseldorf (Alemania). 24-26 junio 1998
We present a low-cost ultra-low-noise cryogenic amplifier, which has been developed for the investigation of shot noise suppression and enhancement in double-barrier resonant-tunneling devices. Results of the noise measurements performed on the amplifier operating at liquid nitrogen temperature are discussed and compared to those obtained at room temperature.
Publicado en Journal de Physique IV, vol: 8, pp: 185-188, ISSN: 1155-4339
Fecha de publicación: 1998-06-01.
G. Lombardi, M. Macucci, R. Giannetti, B. Pellegrini, Cryogenic amplification system for ultra-low noise measurements, 3rd European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics - WOLTE 3, Düsseldorf (Alemania). 24-26 junio 1998. En: Journal de Physique IV, vol. 8, nº. PR3, ISSN: 1155-4339