10th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM13, Estocolmo (Suecia). 28-30 mayo 2013
The increase of wind power in Europe requires a significant effort to keep the electricity system balanced in a secured and efficient way. In this context, the efficient procurement of balancing services from all the different power sources plays a significant role. However, some of the current European balancing rules have been designed for dispatchable power sources. Under the current and future system conditions, the participation of intermittent power sources in the balancing mechanisms can contribute to improve the flexibility and efficiency of the electricity system. However, some of the current market rules need to be adapted. This paper first discusses the current market designs related to the provision of balancing services in some European countries (Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Great Britain). Then, it analyzes, under which market designs, the participation of wind power on the balancing mechanisms can improve the system efficiency. Finally, the paper highlights some potential risks of the participation of wind power on the balancing mechanisms, and possible ways to overcome them.
Palabras clave: load dispatching, power markets, procurement, risk analysis, wind power
Publicado en IEEE EEM 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2008-2
Fecha de publicación: 2013-09-26.
J.P. Chaves, R.A. Hakvoort, Participation of wind power on the European balancing mechanisms, 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM13, Estocolmo (Suecia). 28-30 mayo 2013. En: IEEE EEM 2013: Conference proceedings, e-ISBN: 978-1-4799-2008-2