6th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control - AARTC'2000, Palma de Mallorca (España). 15-17 mayo 2000
This paper presents a technique for implementing non-trivial n-dimensional mathematical functions in low-cost real time control systems. The proposed technique uses recursive piecewise multilinear interpolation to approximate the original mathematical function. The paper presents the theoretical basis of the proposed method and the software tool developed for implementation. The main implementation issues are explained in detail. The developed tool includes an automatic C-code generator that implements the best software solution in terms of computational time and cost. Finally, the paper describes the application of the technique to a torque control function for a scara robot.
Palabras clave: Embedded systems, interpolation approximation, multidimensional systems, real-time computer systems, robot control, software tool, splines.
Publicado en IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol: 33, pp: 193-198, ISSN: 1474-6670
Fecha de publicación: 2000-05-01.
J.A. Rodríguez-Mondéjar, F. de Cuadra, O. Nieto-Taladriz, Low cost implementation of mathematical functions using piecewise interpolation, 6th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control - AARTC'2000, Palma de Mallorca (España). 15-17 mayo 2000. En: IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 33, nº. 6, ISSN: 1474-6670