IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS '88, Espoo (Finlandia). 07-09 junio 1988
The authors present a family of variable transformations which are aimed at improving the performance of selective modal analysis (SMA) algorithms. The value of such transformations has been assessed with participation factors and participation ratios. These transformations are applied at two subsystem levels: generator and area level. It is shown that their successive application allows an important order reduction while maintaining convergence of SMA algorithms. Emphasis is on a specific feature of a family of simple and physically meaningful variable transformations: the feasibility of accumulating the participation of the modes of interest on a few state variables.
Fecha de publicación: 1988-06-07.
I.J. Pérez-Arriaga, L. Rouco, F.L. Pagola, J.L. Sancha Gonzalo, The role of participation factors in reduced order eigenanalysis of large power systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS '88, Espoo (Finlandia). 07-09 junio 1988.