This master thesis project aims at exploring the case study for a direct reduced iron (DRI) electric arc furnace (EAF) primary steel plant in Spain . After demonstrating a profound understanding of today´s steel making process and the novel DRI-EAF technology, the student shall evaluate both the economic and societal aspects of such a project. The economic study shall encompass the consideration of both greenfield and brownfield designs, different price scenarios for coal, natural gas and hydrogen and a comparison of these operational costs to other European competitors. Additionally, the student should conclude a qualitative review of currently ongoing decarbonisation projects in the steel sector and identify the possible demand for potentially higher priced low-emission steel within Spain. Lastly, the social dimension of the case study shall consider the location of this steel plant within Spain by evaluating different regions based on their knowledge and know-how in steel making and both direct and indirect employment opportunities.
Pablo de la Esperanza Herrando