Island power systems are especially sensitive to active power unbalance given their small size, the small number of generating units, and their relatively large generation infeed. To counteract such unbalances, spinning reserves are planned and automatically activated, and if necessary, load is shed by underfrequency load-shedding (UFLS) schemes. In general, island power systems are operated under a centralized scheme, where the system operator determines the commitment status and active power set point by means of solving Unit Commitment (UC) over different time horizons. Currently, the operation planning only considers static spinning reserve constraints, i.e., a sufficient amount of capacity is reserved to be activated when necessary but without considering the dynamic response. In addition and for large active power unbalances, load shedding always occurs, which may allow reducing the amount of reserve. The objective of this project is to implement a data-driven UFLS in the unit commitment formulation of island power systems. This data-driven method complements an analytical formulation, which is extremely burdensome to implement and solve. Both, the data-driven and the analytical method will be applied to the island of La Palma and their performance will be compared.
Almudena Rouco Ferriz