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A geospatial approach to clean cooking planning in Rwanda

Clean cooking, or better said, the lack of clean cooking technologies is one of the most prominent issues in low-income economies. A silent killer due to smoke-related illnesses, it is also a key piece in climate change due to deforestation and pollution. Even when not defined as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD), achieving SGD-2 with the objective of zero hunger and SGD-7 with the objective of affordable and clean energy for all will require sound and clear clean cooking planning. Three major driver can help to promote clean cooking: electricity, LPG and modern stoves. The objective of this project is by using relevant geospatial information (electricity connections, population distribution, roads, etc.) and formulating an optimization problem define realistic clean cooking plans in a given region. The approach will be applied to Rwanda where relevant clean cooking initiatives are happening.


Pénélope Marie Alice Schuwer

Ofertado en

  • Máster en Ingeniería Industrial (electrónico) - (MII-N)
  • Máster en Ingeniería Industrial (organización) - (MII-O)