Optimal operation and configuration of DVPP under uncertainty of non-dispatchable RES
The research project will be carried out within the H2020 POSYTYF that aims at developing a novel concept of cost-effective DVPP, capable of integrating a portfolio of RES (including Dispatchable and Non-Dispatchable), to provide the energy system with signals able to participate to ancillary services and allowing flexibility. To take fully advantage of DVPP, RESs should be operated in a coordinated manner, requiring an appropriate infrastructure for information collection and processing. RESs are geographically dispersed but interconnected although not necessarily through the same distribution grid.
In particular, the research project carried out by the candidate will focus on how to operate and configure a DVPP optimally in order to obtain viable DVPPs that outperform solutions based on battery storage systems. The optimal operation is related to DVPPs business cases, which include among others the provision of ancillary services and might involve multiple energy vectors such as electricity, gas, heat, and water. New business cases arising in the context of decarbonizing and low-inertia power systems will be explored and defined. The optimal configuration depends on the heterogeneity of RES and their combined portfolio effect to provide different services as well as the DVPPs operation and its interaction with system.
We are looking for a brilliant and motivated post-doc to carry out research and co-supervise two (2) PhD students within the scope of the H2020 project POSYTYF.
Requirements: PhD degree in electrical engineering.
Good English level (understanding, writing and speaking).
Knowledge on power systems, system operation (UC, dispatch), system stability, programming skills (GAMS, Matlab).
Experience in operating and planning VPPs will be valued positively.
Full-time contract of initially 36 months duration and an initial yearly gross salary of € 33012.
Curriculum vitae, academic record, cover letter and two recommendation letters.