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Renewable energy auctions: a guide to design

R. Ferroukhi, D. Hawila, S. Vinci, D. Nagpal, L.A. Barroso, G. Cunha, R. Ferreira, A. Anisie, J.P. Bastos

In 2013, IRENA carried out its first study on the topic, Renewable Energy Auctions in Developing Countries, which highlighted key lessons learned from developing countries that have implemented auctions, namely Brazil, China, Morocco, Peru and South Africa. The report presented an analysis on auction design options, as well as best practices on the implementation of auctions in the form of recommendations for policy makers. Furthermore, IRENA’s Adapting Renewable Energy Policies to Dynamic Market Conditions report reiterated the importance of auctions in today’s electricity markets. Building on this work, the present guidebook assists policy makers in understanding the implication of different approaches to renewable energy auctions. Structured around four key design elements, it offers a range of choices and makes recommendations to facilitate optimal decision-making in a given context. The analysis focuses on potential challenges that need to be addressed, and the guidebook assesses alternatives that may be considered for each auction design element. Achieving objectives of renewable energy policies, such as costeffectiveness, security of supply, and contributions to socio-economic development, among others, is thoroughly discussed. The guidebook presents the main trade-offs involved in decisions on auction design (e.g. between reduction of barriers to entry and discouragement of underbuilding, or between design simplicity and the ability to reflect exact preferences regarding the technology mix and spatial distribution of the renewable energy capacity to be contracted) and offers guidance on how to find an optimal balance that takes into account the objectives and circumstances of each jurisdiction. The analysis is supported by specific country experiences, representing different contexts and circumstances, and offers lessons learned and best practices on how governments can design and implement auctions to meet their objectives. Divided into six chapters, this guidebook supports policy-makers in designing renewable energy auctions tailored to their needs. Chapter 1 (Summary for Policy Makers) synthesises the findings and presents the main conclusions and policy recommendations for the design of auctions. Chapter 2 (Renewable energy policies and auctions) contextualises auctions within the larger realm of renewable energy support schemes. It provides an overview of recent international trends in renewable energy policies, highlighting the role that auctions have been playing in many electricity markets worldwide. This analysis is complemented by an overview of the key strengths and weaknesses of auctions. SUMMARY FOR POLICY MAKERS |11 The next four chapters discuss different components that make up a renewable energy auction scheme, presenting analyses of past experiences and lessons learned. The key elements of auction design have been classified into four categories, each of them analysed in a separate chapter. Chapter 3 (Auction Design: Demand) addresses design alternatives involving the auction demand, which comprises key decisions on what exactly is to be purchased in the auction, and under what conditions. Chapter 4 (Auction Design: Qualification Requirements) analyses the qualification requirements to determine which suppliers are eligible to participate in an auction, as well as the conditions with which they must comply and the documentation required prior to the bidding stage. Chapter 5 (Auction Design: Winner Selection) discusses design choices regarding the winner selection, which is at the heart of the auction process and involves handling the bidding and clearing rules, as well as awarding the winners’ products. Chapter 6 (Auction Design: Sellers’ Liabilities) addresses the seller’s liabilities, primarily associated with the characteristics of the product being auctioned, along with responsibilities and obligations stipulated in the auction documents. The geographical scope of the work is global, as the recommendations from the guidebook could apply to all countries that are considering adopting auctions schemes. The report is focused on electricity, and mostly on solar and wind auctions.

Fecha de publicación: 01-06-2015


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