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Development of a digital distance relay

F.L. Pagola, R. Cardiel, M. Jiménez-Pelegri, M. Latorre, C. Fernández

Power High Tech'79, Valencia (España). 01 Julio 1987

A description of the main topics dealt with in the development of a prototype digital distance relay is given. This includes a short hardware overview, the discussion of task synchronization and exception processing in software, algorithms and fixed-point implementation problems, and specially designed algorithms for fault type identification and trip logic.

Fecha de publicación: julio 1987.

Pagola, F.L., Cardiel, R., Jiménez-Pelegri, M., Latorre, M., Fernández, C., Development of a digital distance relay, Power High Tech'79, Valencia (España). 01 Julio 1987.


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