3rd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management - EU IEOM 2019, Pilsen (República Checa). 23-26 julio 2019
The industry faces more and more the challenge of deploying and taking advantage of evidence-based strategic decisions to enhance profit gain. In this research, the possibility of having a fully integrated system composed by a simulator and an IoT platform with the capability of collecting real-time data from the shop floor and returning performance indicators to support decision making is evaluated. The suggested approach involves a Manufacturing Executing System (MES) producing a production schedule, an IoT Platform composed by a message broker and a real-time database, a Simulator including simulation software and a wrapper, and a user application serving as an interface between the user and the IoT Platform and Simulator integrated system. A detailed analysis of the functionalities and integration of the Simulator and the IoT Platform will also be explored. To evaluate the approach, one use case of a production line in the automotive industry is used. The application of the integrated IoT Simulation system permits its validation and consequent future work.
Palabras clave: Discrete event simulation; Manufacturing systems; Real-time decision making and internet of things (IoT)
Publicado en EU IEOM 2019, pp: 816-828, ISBN: 978-1-5323-5949-1
Fecha de publicación: 2019-07-26.
R. Santos, J.P. Tavares Vieira Basto, S. Gomes Soares Alcalá, E. Morosini Frazzon, A. Azevedo, Industrial IoT integrated with simulation -A digital twin approach to support real-time decision making, 3rd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management - EU IEOM 2019, Pilsen (República Checa). 23-26 julio 2019. En: EU IEOM 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-5323-5949-1