5th Meeting of the Spanish Neutron Scattering Association, Gijón (España). 28-30 junio 2010
The baseline design for the ESS-Bilbao light-ion linear accelerator and neutron source has been completed and the normal conducting section of the linac is at present under construction. The machine has been designed to be compliant with ESS specifications following the international guidelines of such project as described in Ref. [1]. The new accelerator facility in Bilbao will serve as a base for support of activities on accelerator physics carried out in Spain and southern Europe in the frame of different ongoing international collaborations. Also, a number of applications have been envisaged in the new Bilbao facility for the outgoing light ion beams as well as from fast neutrons produced by low-energy neutron-capture targets, which are briefly described.
Publicado en Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp: 012003-1/6, ISSN: 1742-6588
Fecha de publicación: 2010-06-28.
O.D. Cortázar, A. Megia-Macías, A. Vizcaíno-de-Julián, et al., ESS-Bilbao light-ion linear accelerator and neutron source: design and applications, 5th Meeting of the Spanish Neutron Scattering Association, Gijón (España). 28-30 junio 2010. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 325, ISSN: 1742-6588