17th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM20, Estocolmo (Suecia). 16-18 septiembre 2020
The efficiency and reliability of electricity systems depend, among other aspects, on an efficient collaboration between the different market participants, which require updating the roles of all agents involved. The CoordiNet project, co-funded by the EU, intends to demonstrate how TSOs and DSOs can act in a coordinated manner, to purchase and activate system services, promote the cooperation of all actors and eliminate barriers for the active participation of DERs in the market. The results of the project will help to design scalable tools and methodologies for system operators and third parties to safely connect, manage and coordinate flexibility providers. This paper describes the developments in CoordiNet to ensure the interoperability of the different markets and platforms developed by TSOs and DSOs across Europe.
Palabras clave: Flexibility, platform, demonstrator, TSO-DSO cooperation
Publicado en IEEE EEM 2020, pp: 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-7281-6920-0
Fecha de publicación: 2020-09-16.
C. Madina, I. Gómez-Arriola, M. Santos-Mugica, J. Jimeno, K. Kessels, J.P. Chaves, D.N. Trakas, Y. Ruwaida, Flexibility markets to procure system services. CoordiNet project, 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM20, Estocolmo (Suecia). 16-18 septiembre 2020. En: IEEE EEM 2020: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-7281-6920-0