8th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM11, Zagreb (Croacia). 25-27 mayo 2011
The increasing penetration of interruptible sources of energy is making security of supply a key aspect of present and future networks management, and reserves markets are gaining significant relevance. Demand representation used in traditional long term market models normally consists in a set of non chronological demand levels corresponding to hours with similar demand values. However, reserve issues are closely related with short term constraints (such as ramps), and this lack of chronological coupling does not allow for an appropriate representation of these technical constraints.
This paper presents a joint energy and reserve conjectural equilibrium model that provides signal prices for both commodities and computes productions accordingly by satisfying system demand and reserve requirements. Generation is represented at a technological level, and water contributes to energy and reserve requirements with daily constraints. To reduce the feasible region, clustering is used to simplify hourly demand series into only a few daily patterns. In addition, keeping the link between hours and demand levels allows the model to combine short term technical constraints with traditional long term strategic planning constraints.
Fecha de publicación: 2011-05-25.
J. Villar, F.A. Campos, C.A. Díaz, Short term constraints for a long term joint energy and reserve equilibrium, 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM11, Zagreb (Croacia). 25-27 mayo 2011.