IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition - IEEE PES T&D 2001, Atlanta (Estados Unidos de América). 28 octubre - 02 noviembre 2001
This paper studies the application of eigenvalue sensitivities to design controllers for static series voltage sources aimed at damping electromechanical oscillations. The eigenvalue sensitivity with respect to a parameter of a feedback controller estimates the eigenvalue shift when such parameter is changed. The controller design comprises to steps: the design of the phase compensation network and the calculation of the controller gain. The design of damping controllers of static series voltage sources has required the development of eigenvalue sensitivities with respect to the modulation of both the ratio and the phase of static series voltage sources using several input signals to select the most adequate one. The suggested approach is illustrated in simple test system.
Palabras clave: Flexible AC transmission systems, static series voltage sources, small signal stability, eigenvalue sensitivities, controller design
Publicado en IEEE PES T&D 2001, ISBN: 0-7803-7285-9
Fecha de publicación: 2002-08-06.
L. Rouco, Design of damping controllers of static series voltage sources using eigenvalue sensitivities, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition - IEEE PES T&D 2001, Atlanta (Estados Unidos de América). 28 octubre - 02 noviembre 2001. En: IEEE PES T&D 2001: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 0-7803-7285-9