25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2019, Madrid (Spain). 03-06 June 2019
Tailored energy markets are of interest for local communities with the aim to maximise the exploitation of local resources. Demand side integration policies allow controllable loads participating in the microgrid control. In this scenario, a double-sided market for ancillary service which exploits a continuous double auction as trading mechanism and a Blockchain platform as a settlement tool is proposed in this paper. The aim is to make microgrid participants responsible for their imbalances, quickly solve the decentralised resource allocation problem by identifying the parties for the P2P service provision. Furthermore, settlement requirements are reduced due to transactions automatically executed by smart contracts. By combining the three topics, a unique framework for a market-based microgrid control is formalised.
Published in CIRED 2019, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-2-9602415-0-1
Publication date: 2019-06-03.
M. Galici, E. Ghiani, F. Pilo, S. Ruggeri, M. Troncia, Blockchain local markets for the distributed control of microgrids, 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2019, Madrid (Spain). 03-06 June 2019. In: CIRED 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-2-9602415-0-1