24th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2017, Glasgow (United Kingdom). 12-15 June 2017
Future power grids need to be flexible on the demand side to develop a credible energy policy, and in particular the integration of renewable. This objective will need a more active consumer. The demonstration of customer capabilities is an important challenge for small and medium-sized segments, since their potential (contribution to load curve) is undoubtedly of interest. REDYD-2050 (http://www.redyd2050-der.eu/) is a research network funded by Spanish Government (2015-17) that integrates seven groups that develop research in key technologies to achieve an integral development of Demand Response (DR). This article presents the objectives of the network, including integrating technologies and proposing innovative solutions to DR concerns such as: modelling and aggregation; Automation; Application of ICT; Implementation in markets; Price and consumption forecasts, or monitoring and verification.
Keywords: smart power grids; demand side management
Published in CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, vol: 2017, pp: 1895-1898
Publication date: 2017-10-01.
C. Álvarez, J.I. Moreno, G. López, C. Carrillo, I. Ramírez, J. Matanza, S. Valero, A. Gabaldón, M.C. Ruíz, Methodologies and proposals to facilitate the integration of small and medium consumers in smart grids, 24th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2017, Glasgow (United Kingdom). 12-15 June 2017. In: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, vol. 2017, nº. 1, e-ISSN: 2515-0855