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Project information

Development of an expert system for diagnosis of the on-line performance of a coal power plant

M.A. Sanz-Bobi J. Besada G. Plaza F. Zabalegui

June 2002 - January 2003

Funding entity Unión Fenosa Generación

The objective of the project is the design and development of an expert system named ODISEO-R, able to detect and analyse performance deviations in some components of the water-steam cycle in a coal power plant. The components monitored and diagnosed correspond to that located between the low-pressure turbine and the input to the economizer of the power plant.The project will use the results of a commercial programm that calculates the component performances. These resukts will be compared to thresults obtained by using models based on neural networks estimating the same outputs. The differences will correspond to anomalies that have to be investigated by an expert system including knowledge from experts in component performance in power plants.